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Photography Made Simple
Watch Me First (4:40)
Equipment-The Technical Stuff- What Your Camera Can do to Make a Great Photo
Equipment Intro (1:48)
Cameras (6:22)
Lenses (6:33)
Homework (2:57)
Camera Basics- The Technical Stuff
Camera Basics Intro (1:00)
Settings on the Dial (5:09)
Local and Menu Adjustments (15:54)
Homework (1:32)
Exposure- The Technical Stuff
Exposure Intro (1:14)
Inside the Camera (10:11)
Exposure Explained (4:47)
Histogram (3:47)
Light Metering (3:20)
Homework (1:50)
Mastering Manual Mode- The Technical Stuff
Manual Mode Intro (1:05)
ISO (9:19)
Aperture (17:04)
Shutter Speed (10:37)
Putting it all Together (8:28)
Homework (1:12)
Focus- The Technical Stuff
Focus Intro (1:22)
Common Mistakes (4:35)
Nailing Your Focus Every Time (5:34)
Focus Modes (2:38)
Focal Length (3:50)
Focus Recompose (5:18)
Back Button Focus (10:44)
Homework (2:48)
Light- The Creative Stuff- What You Can Do to Make a Great Photo
Light Intro (3:10)
Natural Light (6:27)
Artificial Light (9:51)
Low Light (7:02)
Homework (3:50)
Composition- The Creative Stuff
Composition Intro (1:28)
What is Composition (2:02)
Depth of Field (3:19)
Eliminating Distractions (4:49)
10 Composition Techniques to Build a Foundation (8:30)
Homework (1:52)
Telling Your Story- What ONLY YOU Can Do to Make a Great Photo
Telling your Story Intro (1:55)
Secrets to Great Portraits (4:46)
Natural Posing (5:29)
Documenting (5:30)
Genuine Smiles (4:58)
Taking Photos Indoors (6:02)
Telling a Story (4:38)
Final and Biggest Homework Assignment! (4:27)
Common Mistakes
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